Financial Planning

“When can I retire?”
“How are we going to pay for college?”
“How did our financial life become so complicated?”
“With this promotion, do I need a plan?”

To answer these and other questions life throws at you, it is important for us to not only know the “financial facts,” but to know you personally. Our first step in creating a plan sees us using financial planning software to organize your financial life. But this is just the beginning. With the data in order, we focus our conversations on your goals and future expenses.

Once we have a sense of how you envision your financial future, we build a series of planning projections. We look closely at cash flow, savings and liabilities to identify to what extent goals and priorities can be met with available resources.

Considering a thorough list of financial tools is crucial to the planning process. It may be important to coordinate with your tax preparer and evaluate your insurance needs including health, life, disability and long-term care.

We will be your partner, offering an understanding, listening ear with simple explanations for often complex financial questions.